Sunday, February 22, 2009


By reading the website's tutorial about writing coverletters it was very useful but also suprising. They say the coverletter should market yourself towards a specific job. By reading the sample coverletter, they made it seem like you should be very very confident in yourself when writing the coverletter but it seemed like a little bit much to me. There was no specific part of the tutorial that was more helpful than the others because I never really understood fully on how to write coverletters. The more help the better.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Client Visit

The client visit was informing because I really had no idea what was the basis of the project. Even though we recieved the information, it is still kind of hard to figure out exactly what we want to do and how we are going to reach that goal. My group is planning on working with the organic farm and trying to market it to the students and the community. Overall, I think the group is doing okay, but once we figure out what our goal is for the project it go a whole lot smoother. The biggest concern for the group is not being able to come up with any ideas or to have limited communication within the group. I really cannot think of any questions to ask at this point but I'm pretty sure I will soon.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Interview Mistakes

In my experiences of job interviews, I can see how the mistakes in this article can be pretty big. Especially about being too nervous or asking very silly questions. There are many other things that you can do wrong in a interview. Things like appearance, not being very open with your communication, or just being somewhat rude. In the past, my interviews have been one-on-one or with a group. They all had a more laid back approach when it came to the interview, which was a little calming. One thing I do regret on some of my past interviews is letting my nervousness hold me back. Some of the best things I think you can do for an interview is to go prepared, have an open positve attitude, to do research on the company, and to find a strategy that can help slow down the adrenaline.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Office Commercial

I have to say that the commercial that was shown in class on Friday was really funny to me. Since it was trying to show how to have good office manners, it proved its points of what not to do. If someone was in the office like that all the time, more work and respect would be shown in the workplace because of fear of being hit. It almost reminded me of a child doing something bad and once they get hurt you are able to learn very quickly the right thing to do.