Sunday, January 25, 2009

10 years from now.....?

Ten years from now I hope that I will be or have gone through Medical School or Graduate School depending on my decision on what I want to do once I graduate. I have two things that I would love to do, they are to either become physical therapist (mainly sports medicine) or do something that deals with the study of diseases (especially diabetes) in which I could also use my degree of Nutrition. In my personal life I do not have anything planned except that I hope that I will have good and healthy relationships with people who will be in my life at that time. Hopefully my lifestyle will be positive, not too fast or too slow, a lil spontaneous, and something that I can keep up. For the future I want to have many options of where I want to be because some things may/may not work out ( for whatever reason) or my interest may change. I do not know where I will end up but I do know that I will be successful.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Web 2.0

Once I viewed the video, I was able to understand what the title of the video meant. The machine is using us because it controls our daily lives especially by the way that we communicate with each other and recieve the information. That is why we are also the machine because we put the information on the web and organize the information. In the workplace, the web is something that has to be controlled. It has to be understood that there are specific ways that information should be made and viewed on the internet. When it says that we have to rethink everything, it means that with all the information on the web it can help with our views of the things in our lives or just give all of us a second opinion.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

All about me :)

Hey ya'll! My name is Kayla, I am finally a Senior at Clemson.
My major is Food Science: Human Nutrition, its a pretty nice major but I am hoping to go to school for Physical Therapy sometime in the future. I have 3 older sisters who are 10 to 15 years older than me and I also have 2 neices, 1 nephew and 1 more nephew soon to be born this month. I'm a pretty quiet person, most of the time I am either thinking about things in life, observing things around me or just daydreaming. Other than that I love to laugh, being around family and friends, going out, or acting silly. So hopefully this will be a good semester and I hope all is well for everyone this year!!